

This is one of the most well-facilitated camps i have attended so far. Every thing is well-coordinated and there is little lag time. The instructors were professional and they taught good values to our students.

Very accommodating with timely reply. Instructors had a good rapport with the students.

Welcome entrance was well arranged. Accommodating to ad hoc request was very welcoming.

The Instructors were professional in carrying out their duties and made great efforts to bond with the students. Thank you very much.

Thanks for assisting us in making our camp an awesome experience for the student leaders!

— PSB Academy

The coordinator (Sylvia) was very helpful in providing alternative location when the haze worsen. She took the initiative to book the indoor venue as a back-up location.

The programme flow is well planned and the facilitators are very approachable.

Strengths: professional instructors who were friendly, fun yet firm.

The instructors have done a very good job in ensuring that all the children had fun and enjoyed the camp through out the 2 days, 1 night! Thumbs up!!!!

I am impressed by your camp facilitators who are willing to mingle with the Deaf participants. Well done, keep it up.

The students enjoyed their 3D2N stay at Camp Challenge. It helped them to bond and get to know one another better before their actual exchange trip to Boston. Well done and many thanks!